N52907, 1.5 hrs - Back in the right seat after 10 days off. Before we got in the air, I wanted to get the power settings down for setting up/executing maneuvers. Doing the same thing everytime, makes flying (and teaching) and setting up so much easier
1. MP 19"/2300 RPM, clearing turns. This gets things stable at maneuvering speed and from this speed we can do steep turns, chandelles, lazy eights, etc.
2. For slow flight, power off stalls, continue slowing with 14" MP, flaps, gear, flaps, flaps
For this flight, I was the instructor demonstrating maneuvers beginning with the takeoff. I started with a soft field takeoff demonstration and then we flew out to the practice area. I climbed to 2500' and did some clearing turns and then setup for slowflight. After that did power-on stalls, departure stalls, and steep turns. Then headed over to KPAE for some landings (short, soft). After that it was back to KBFI for a no flap landing.